Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stress Test

This is a stress test tha cracks me up whenever I look at it. Now you will know if you're over stressed or under stressed :). On the right is my stress test. If you see 1 thing wrong with this picture you are very stressed and need a stress toy. Get the ones that are shaped like peanuts and make squeaking noises :), although I'm really not sure if those are stress toys cause I found them in the dog food and etc. isle. Anyways, if you see two or more mistakes then you need a vacation. Hawaii would be nice. Or if you dont like the heat go to london and fill yourself up with exspensive chocolates. Especially milk chocolate... those are goood ;).


  1. this IS hilarious. wow this is so cool!!!!!!!! OMG!1!! i kinda am repeating wat vanessa said but WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. my mom and i are going to hawaii
