Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Little Mistake That Almost Broke My Back

O.K. this is a bit self-centered, but hey, nobody's perfect. Anyways, I was walking up the stairs to grab my teddy bear. And it's not babyish, lots of people have blogs. Sorry not blogs, teddy bears. Again, coming back to my topic. I was on the 6 th step and thought I was on the first. So then I take one step backwards and then, WHAM!!! I tumble downthe stairs and hit the wall and hit my back and my head. The worst day that was painful IN MY LIFE. That wasn't funny. Awwww, I wanted all of them to be funny, too bad.


  1. Dear Anu - I did not realize how serious this could have been. I hope you are feeling much better now. Keep typing. Longer setences, deep stories, elaborate the surroundings, immerse the reader - make the reader feel as if they are in that place - magical, mystical, mysterious, mythical, myriad,...


  2. dear anu hope u feel better
